Saturday 11 February 2012

When you know better.....

I went to one of those home parties that stay at home moms have. I think that's the order of things; push a child out of your vagina.....then sell something. New mothers panic because we see our future becoming that of our mothers; all hot dog days and floor wax. We worry because our children are all consuming and yet we know the entire arrangement is temporary. They immediately embed themselves in every aspect of our lives and we know, one day, they will leave us, alone and with a skill set that matches Mary Poppins'.

Its not true though and our lives are not going to be that of our moms. Just like their lives didn't become that of their mothers.  You see, its all about what you KNOW. Oprah is right about a lot of things but the thing that she is MOST right about is - When we know better we do better. And I can ONLY assume that we all know more than the generation before us...isn't that the whole point?

We KNOW that you should not smoke while pregnant or while cuddling a new born, we know that rum is bad for a fetus and for small children, we know that lead paint, although pretty and durable isn't good for us. And now we know that we CAN'T be only mothers and wives. We ARE more, we always were.... we know better now, and we seek out a way to make that happen. That is your zen for the day... lets talk about Gluten.

So I go to this party thing and it has some good products. The Mom running it is a totally normal, solid Mom so I feel I can trust her judgement.  The anal side of me is immediately drawn to the cleaning products that are cheap and concentrated and all natural. THEN the rep pulls out the gluten free protein bars with a flourish. I was very excited. I have been looking for an edible GF protein bar forever!


Like an asshole, like a know it all, like little miss picky... I did it and holy shit I could NOT be happier.

Fourth ingredient in the "gluten free" protein bar? "Barley Malt"

You know that sound that submarines make when they dive down? That's the sound my brain makes when I see shit like that.

I call it all out.

The rep is disbelieving and I can see she thinks I am incorrect "But the website says...." Ya, I don't care what some website says, I cant eat this. I wonder if she believes me to be the un - doer of all deals. Everyone left without ordering.

I, however, ordered some cleaning products, but under no circumstances will I be ordering anything that goes INSIDE my person from this company. We all have standards and that is mine. With life, you get a second chance with me... with my don't.

 Do not be embarrassed or feel silly to ask for an ingredient list. Even if you don't have Celiacs you should look at a label every once in a while. Take ownership in what is going into your person. It's more than the previous generation would do...and again, that's the whole point.

When you know better, you do better


  1. Thanks honey! You should check out these cleaning products when they arrive. If they work, they will be pretty good! If they don't work, someone is gonna get hurt.
